How Does It Work ?

#5 Beetroot

Generally improper digestion causes body odor, but some vegetables like beetroot also can make a person smell like fish. Beetroot like spinach is rich in methyl compounds and releases tri-methylamine as a waste product. This is excreted from the human body through sweat and perspiration. The smell gets accentuated by the bacteria that feed on such chemicals like tri-methylamine in the human sweat.The result is the body gives out a fishy reek and stench. It actually takes the bacteria a couple of minutes to turn this into its own waste products, such asisovaleric acids and androstenes, which are actually very smelly.

#4 Spinach

Spinach is a health food and it is difficult to guess that this too causes body odour. Spinach is believed to contain a high amount of methyl compounds that releases a chemical tri-methylamine. This chemical gets excreted from the body through perspiration and is said to emit a very fishy odour. Generally foods which cannot be digested completely causes body odour. But foods that produce smelly chemicals that gets thrown out of the body by sweat, also can cause body odour, when bacteria feeds on these chemicals. Too much fibre in the food like spinach can also cause a lot of smelly gas, which adds to body odour.

#3 Meat

Red meat is another food which causes offensive body odour. This is because red meat warrants a lot of effort to digest and process it. All this effort spent in assimilating red meat, leads to a lot of unwanted perspiration and sweat. It might be argued that vegetarians also face similar issues with fenugreek and some other strong smelling plants. But a study has proved that the perspiration of men who ate meat smells much worse than the vegetarians. This result was testified by the women who took part in the study in Prague.

#2 Garlic

Garlic breath has been causing dismay for a long period. Like some other spices, garlic can also cause a pungent and very unpleasant odor. Bad breath together with a similar offensive stench from the body through sweat makes garlic a spice, which is best, avoided. Some people seem to be more affected than the others. But an important fact is that the extent of garlic flavour and odor present depends on the mode of preparation of the dish. Eating raw strong smelling garlic will cause a worst case scenario, as experiments have shown that the smell of cooked garlic is lesser.

#1 Alcohol

Alcohol, besides causing other unpleasant things to the human body, it makes the body smell bad too.Alcohol is generally processed by the liver in the human body and nearly 10 per cent does not get absorbed. This 10 per cent is excreted through urine, breath and sweat. Alcohol also promotes profuse sweating, which in turn causes unpleasant odour. Consumption of excess alcohol makes the person reek of drink for a longer duration. This happens because the flavour and the odour constituents get into the blood and retains the smell for quite some time.
