How Does It Work ?

These are the best ab exercises in the world to get you that 6 pack you have always wanted! We also talk about the best supplements to lose belly fat and to get shredded! - See more at:

#6 Push-Ups

This is the most common and popular method of exercising both for men and women. Here you have to put your hands on the ground shoulder-width apart and fingers forward. Adjust the hands in such a way so that the body is in line head to toe.
Once you have the correct position, lower your body slowly so that your hips, chest, and chin are just off the ground. Pause. Then again rise and stop just before locking your arms. This is quite an exhausting exercise but once you get the habit, you’ll love it! Give 3 sets of 12.

#5 Medicine Ball Pick-Ups

Place the medicine ball on the floor and stand putting the feet on either side of the ball. Look straight and squat down at the same time picking up the ball. Stand up again pushing the feet. The rise should be slow and steady. Squat again and keep the ball on the ground. Repeat this.
Remember to stick the buttocks out so that your spine remains strong and long. Do 3 sets of 15. At first this might seem tiring to those who are a bit on the heavier side. However do not stop. Do it for a sexy stomach.

#4 Posture Squats

Stand keeping the shoulder and feet wide apart. Just like the standing leg lifts, place one finger from one hand on the belly button and another finger from the other hand on the base of your sternum. The two points should lift apart. So stand tall and straight.
Now keeping the weight on your heels, squat, till the buttocks reach your knee level. Slowly, raise yourself back. Repeat without any rest. Do 3 sets of 15. In case 15 seems tough, start with 8. There are numerous variations of squats. You can try all of them. However do not overdo.

#3 Standing Leg Lifts

While standing, place a finger from one hand on the base of the sternum and another finger from the other hand on your bellybutton. Stand straight and tall. Raise a leg from the ground while keeping your hips stable. Balance for a few seconds and then do the same with the other leg.
Remember, it is not as easy as it sounds. Imagine you have to carry a tray full of drinks on your hips and you can’t spill any! That’s the kind of stability we talking about. If you do this properly you’ll feel a tension inside your stomach.

#2 Core Climber Twists

For a sexy stomach, you got to do the core climber twists. Get yourself in a push-up position on the toes and hands. Your chest should be over the hands and eyes on your fingers. Engage the core. Draw the right knee across the body after lifting the right foot so that there’s a 20cm to 30cm gap from the left elbow.
Your hips shouldn’t drop. Take the foot back to the original position and repeat with the other leg. This exercise shapes up your stomach and keeps it super tight. Do it every day with three sets of twenties.
