How Does It Work ?

These are 5 of the most important things you should never say to your girlfriend, or any girl for that

#5 How many guys have you slept with?

STOP. Do you REALLY want to know the answer to that question? Or will it forever haunt your dreams forever? IT WILL. It’s best to not even go there. First of all, you are going to seem insecure again, especially if you ask this right at the start of your relationship, and most guys do! However, if she asks you this question first, as much as you want to ask, I WOULDN’T. Because you don’t want to be the one to start this conversation, it leads to the sex questions. Then you start asking what have you done? And now you will regret asking this question!

#4 Hinting a Future Date

If you go out with a girl for the first time and starts talking about something she likes to do or some kind of food she likes to eat, often guys will use that as an opportunity to arrange a future date. Like if she says she likes Italian Food, the guy will be like ‘oh me too I know this great place I’ll take you there one day!’ This may sound good in theory, but what you are actually doing is saying I REALLY LIKE YOU AND WANT TO SEE YOU FOREVER, which makes you sound desperate again, and hence she is WINNING THE GAME.

#3 I’ll Call You Later

We all do it, but do we realise the damage we are causing? You may think it’s a good idea to end a conversation with I’ll call you later, that’s fine, if it’s someone other than a girl! But what you have now done is destroyed her chances of calling you in between that time, because technically you have taken charge in saying I WILL CALL YOU, so if she tries to call you now, it will make her seem desperate. GOOD ONE!

#2 Don’t Say Anything Bad About Her Guy Friends

There’s nothing a girl hates more when you start talking smack about her guy friends, or start dissing her male friends especially when you don’t know them well or haven’t even met them! This is like getting a red market and writing ‘INSECURE’ all over your face. Girls like a man with confidence, and when you start getting jealous about her guy friends, it’s best to keep your mouth shut. No guy likes it, I know, but it’s something we have to put up with. Be confident, if you’re not jealous, she will like you even more!

#1 Never Tell a Girl to Calm Down

Do you realise what you’ve done!?!? You just said the C word. Prepare for world chaos. When a man tells a woman to ‘calm down’, usually its right in the middle of her expressing something that she cares about to him, and to be shut-down with a form of ‘relax’, will absolutely boil her blood. Whenever you say this, it usually has the opposite effect. You may as well say ‘fire up and get angry please’, then maybe she will ‘calm down’ due to how shocked she is over what you just said?
